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Writer's picture: Nico VenterNico Venter

By Education Lead Nicolene Reinders

With the current pandemic affecting how we work, learn and teach and in light of this, the IIWC went virtual for the first time ever.

On 29 April we hosted our first Webinar with 86 participants, sponsored by Norton Rose Fullbright and Bryte Insurance Co, unpacking "Marine underwriting and Claims" cases. The response and interaction from the delegates showed that they were extremely eager to learn with the IIWC.

In May we kicked off our learning centre consisting of 5 CPD points, presented by Kurt Stanley from Commrisk Insurance Brokers. This involved taking 35 delegates through an interactive 2.5 hours per day, over a span of 2 days on the "Introduction of Commercial insurance" and how different policies respond to different risks.

We are tremendously proud to announce that the IIWC partnered with Cover and LearnOn to collaborate with the Webinars and Learning centres for 2020.

Some of the feedback we received on the last webinar indicated that all of the participants felt that the sessions were relevant to their job roles and 96% indicated that they took some good to excellent ideas away from the session. Some precious feedback included: " My knowledge of this session was extremely expanded and was just what I needed to get a better understanding of this product" and " Although via Webex, we could still interact" and lastly "A refresher of existing knowledge. Good presenters that managed to retain interest throughout."

As the weeks unfold, we will unpack a full calendar of Webinars and Industry experts presenting on topics that relate to current events.

So watch this space and act fast when you see the invites, as space is limited to these events.

We look forward to seeing our members ONLINE!


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